

Bachfest Malaysia

LanguageEnglish, Mandarin


TagsClassical, Solo, Concert, Orchestra, Choir

Duration: 105 minutes without intermission

Doors Open: 45 minutes before the show

Seating: Free Seating

Recommended for: 6 years old and above

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

Renowned American conductor and pedagogue Prof. Dr. William Weinert from the Eastman School of Music in New York will lead the award-winning Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra, along with masterclass participants in the upcoming one-night-only performance.




Aug 2024

8:00PM (GMT+8)


The Creation is an oratorio by Austrian composer Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), written for soloists, choir, and a large Classical orchestra to vividly depict the creation story according to the Book of Genesis. Ever since its premiere in 1798, this masterpiece has been celebrated worldwide to this day. The last performance of this work in Malaysia was in 2013.

Renowned American conductor and pedagogue Prof. Dr. William Weinert from the Eastman School of Music in New York will lead the award-winning Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra, along with masterclass participants in the upcoming one-night-only performance on Wednesday, August 7, 8:00pm, at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.

Guests could join us only for the concert performance, or obtain an “observer” pass for special access to a series of open rehearsals, conducting masterclass and workshops, as well as a special discovery lecture by Prof. Dr. David Chin.





Chia Yee Yean, Soprano Solo
Okawa Tan, Tenor Solo
Caleb Woo, Baritone Solo

Malaysia Bach Festival Singers & Orchestra and Masterclass Scholars

William Weinert, Conductor
David Chin, Lecturer

謝依燕     女高音獨唱
陳大川     男高音獨唱
胡永正     男中音獨唱


威廉·韋納特 指揮
陳子虔      講師

**Special Observer Pass
One regular concert ticket + access to conducting masterclass and rehearsals as an observer.

Aug 3 (Sat) (without Orchestra)
13:00-15:30     Choral Workshop / Conducting Masterclass I with Dr. Chin
16:00-18:00     Choral Workshop / Conducting Masterclass II with Dr. Weinert

Aug 4 (Sun)    (with Orchestra)
13:30- 15:30    Conducting Masterclass III with Dr. Weinert
16:00-18:00     Conducting Masterclass IV with Dr. Weinert
19:30-21:30     Discovery Lecture with Dr. Chin

Aug 5 (Mon)   (with Orchestra)
10:00-12:00     Vocal Masterclass with Prof. Woo
14:00-17:00     Conducting Masterclass V with Dr. Weinert & Dr. Chin
19:00-22:00     Tutti Rehearsal I with Dr. Weinert

Aug 6 (Tues)   (with Orchestra)
14:00-17:00     Tutti Rehearsal II with Dr. Weinert
19:00-22:00     Conducting Masterclass VI (Video Recording)

Aug 7 (Wed)    Concert Day
14:00-17:00     Tutti Rehearsal III with Dr. Weinert
17:00-19:00     Catered Dinner 
19:30-20:00     Pre-concert Talk
20:00-22:00     Concert

About Bachfest Malaysia and The Malaysia Bach Festival Singers & Orchestra

“Lively, very modern, very self-confident… delicate, immaculately intoned, clearly articulated, smoothly phrased and as intelligent as it is boldly dynamic… a first-class concert”.

-       Leipziger Volkszeitung (Leipzig People’s Newspaper) 2024

Bachfest Malaysia was founded by Artistic Director David Chin in 2015. Its inaugural performance was the Malaysian premiere of St. John Passion by the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra. Since then, they have performed Mass in B minor, St. Matthew Passion, numerous cantatas, motets, and instrumental works by Johann Sebastian Bach. They recently performed several Bach cantatas and motets at the St. Thomas Church during the renowned international Bachfest Leipzig in Germany, and received raving reviews and extended standing ovation. They also performed at the St. George’s Church in Eisenach and the Bach Church in Arnstadt. 

In their home country, the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra have performed in Kuala Lumpur, Muar, George Town, Sibu, Bintulu, and Kota Kinabalu. Their performances of Bach's music have been repeatedly recognized at the BOH Cameronian Arts Awards, winning "Best of 2019" and "Best Choral Ensemble Performance" for St. Matthew Passion in 2020, and "Best Ensemble Performance" for "Prelude" from Orchestral Suite in C in 2019. That same year, David Chin's performance of Bach's Harpsichord Concerto in D major also received "Best Solo Instrumental Performance”. 

Highlights of 2023 include All Things New concert, where the Malaysia Bach Festival Orchestra performed two solo cantatas and keyboard concertos with renowned artists, soprano Ang Mei Foong and pianist Ng Chong Lim. This performance has been nominated for “Best Ensemble Performance” and “Best Solo Instrumental Performance” at the 19th BOH Cameronian Arts Awards. In addition, Bachfest Malaysia also started a new interactive family concert series with Hello, Mr. Bach. Multiple performances of Bach’s rarely-heard 1725 St. John Passion took place in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, along with exhibition of Bach’s rare manuscript materials and lectures. 

Bachfest Malaysia has been creating excellent music-making opportunities for young local talents. Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra consists some of the best musicians in the country, which include leaders and principals from prominent ensembles such as the National Symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Virama, Young Choral Academy, KL City Opera, Wicked Music People, VerSes, YinQi Choir, Klpac Orchestra, to name a few. Apart from the music of J.S. Bach, they have also performed works by composers such as Byrd, Victoria, Mozart, Vaughan Williams, and Dan Forrest, as well as a new commission by Malaysian composer Caeleb Tee. 

In 2022, Bachfest Malaysia published the Chinese/English version of Prof. Dr. Michael Maul's Bach: A Pictorial Biography, with the Chinese translation prepared by Prof. Dr. David Chin. The book was launched officially during the Out of the Depths nationwide Bach cantata concert tour joined by the author himself. More than 1,000 copies have been sold worldwide to date. 

Bachfest Malaysia was equally active during the corona pandemic of 2020-22. March 18, 2020 saw the release of the first virtual performance video worldwide of the Corona time, featuring musicians from around the world performing the famous chorale Befiehl du deine Wege. The sensational video moved hundreds of thousands of viewers across the globe, and quickly became the model for many other corona-time virtual ensembles. It inspired the format for the only passion performance in the world on Good Friday 2020 from the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, in which the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra was one of the four guest ensembles. In June 2020, Bachfest Malaysia was featured at Bachfest Leipzig’s Bach Marathon, performing Bach’s cantata no. 62 in the same virtual performance format. The following December, Bachfest Malaysia released Encountering Bach, a documentary film on the life and music of J. S. Bach, filmed exclusively in Germany. It is available in both English and Mandarin versions, and has drawn a large viewership from across the globe. 



 “音色細膩,乾淨俐落,吐字清晰,樂句流暢,充滿智慧和活力並大膽的變化... 產生了一種圓潤、透明、光彩照人和極富感染力的聲音... 敏感地環繞、照亮並解釋了清唱劇的內容... 是場一流水平的音樂會”。


馬來西亞巴赫節於2015年由陳子虔博士創立。首場音樂會是由馬來西亞巴赫慶典合唱與管弦樂團呈獻,在本國首演巴赫的《聖約翰受難曲》。此後,他們演出了巴赫的《B小調彌撒曲》、《聖馬太受難曲》以及多部清唱劇、經文歌和器樂作品。馬來西亞巴赫慶典合唱與管弦樂團今年於著名的德國萊比錫國際巴赫節上在聖多馬教堂(Thomaskirche Leipzig)呈現巴赫當時在那裡所創作並首演的幾部清唱劇和經文歌,深獲好評。此外,他們也到了巴赫接受幼童洗禮的艾森納赫聖喬治教堂(Georgenkirche Eisenach)以及年輕巴赫擔任第一份專業職位的阿恩施塔特巴赫教堂(Bachkirche Arnstadt)中演出。





馬來西亞巴赫節在疫情期間保持活躍。2020 年 3 月 18 日,馬來西亞巴赫節發布了全球第一個新冠時代的虛擬表演視頻,凝聚了來自世界各地的音樂家演出著名的眾讚曲《將來未知行踪》,感動了全球數十萬觀眾。這段轟動一時的視頻很快成為許多組織的榜樣,並啟發了萊比錫巴赫節於 2020 年受難日在聖多馬教堂舉行該年世界上唯一一場受難曲的表演形式,而馬來西亞巴赫慶典合唱與管弦樂團是四組演出嘉賓的其中一組。 2020 年 6 月,馬來西亞巴赫節在萊比錫的“巴赫馬拉鬆”上擔任表演嘉賓,同樣以虛擬表演視頻呈現了巴赫清唱劇第62部《外邦人的救主,我願你來》。2020 年 12 月,馬來西亞巴赫節推出《追踪巴赫》,一部攝於德國有關巴赫生平與音樂的紀錄片,分別有中英兩個版本,獲得了全球大量的收視率。

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