

Time8:30PM, 3:00PM



Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

This show has ended.




An outbreak becomes a pandemic,
Distancing becomes daily life,
Isolation becomes an inevitable norm,
Breathing becomes lethal,
Hugging becomes a desperation,
And we still remember the warmth of each other.




Jun 2021

8:30PM (GMT+8)



Jun 2021

3:00PM (GMT+8)

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Jun 2021

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Jun 2021

8:30PM (GMT+8)



Jun 2021

3:00PM (GMT+8)

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Jun 2021

3:00PM (GMT+8)

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The Outbreak Facebook Cover

The power of life implies in every small effort."

演出大纲 Introduction

《疫爆》是新纪元大学学院戏剧与影像系第十六届学生制作呈现,由贺世平导演以熟 练的镜头语言与舞台调度相互融合,以病毒疫情中的人事物为题,试图打破剧场与影像的分 界,探索戏剧表现的可能性。累积三十年剧场与影视经验的导演贺世 平,采用影像结合剧场 表演,进行全新的集体即兴创作,取名《疫爆》。演出排练过程中,导演不设任何框架,激发 学生在编、导、演三方面的想象力与创造力,剧本从零到有,由所有参与的同学共同创作。透 过疫情灾难,我们团队看见世界发生的各种 危难与不安,于是创作故事围绕着医护人员、个 人及家庭在疫情底下所面临的情况, 展开多段式感人故事。

The Outbreak Group Photo

"The Outbreak" is a new online collective improvisational theatre performance by director Ho Shih Phin in association with the 16th-batch students of New Era University College Department of Drama and Visuals. Director Ho integrates his proficient visual language with profound stage coordination, presenting people who are unfree and things that are uncontrollable during the pandemic. This impromptu creation was crafted from the ground up without any framework in the process, stimulating unhindered creativity and imagination in writing, directing and acting. The script is birthed from scratch by all the participating students, unfolding a multi-segment of lively stories.


剧情大纲 Synopsis

Show Photo

病毒肆虐,在人心惶惶下,一种变异并且杀伤力极大的新型病毒——VOC-21 悄然潜伏 在人 们生活中。有关病患被打上 VOC-21 标签隔离,配合实验室进行特效药研发。病房内,患 者在日复一日的隔离中倍感寂寥;实验室内,研究人员为了研发特效药焦头烂额;医院内,医 生与护士为了抢救病患争分夺秒。本以为能维持表面上的风平浪静,不料病毒加速进化,病人 死亡率直线飙升,纸终于盖不住火 。三方各自的焦灼与不安,在此时迎来各方矛盾与冲突。 在生与死,爱与恨,希望与绝望之后,人 们对生命意义有着不同的领悟。

Show Photo Show Photo Show Photo

People are panicking, a mutated and highly-lethal new virus, VOC-21, quietly lurks into the community. Patients were labelled for isolation and cooperated with laboratories to develop specific drugs. Doctors and nurses race against time to rescue patients. Patients feel unbearably lonely in the ward while researchers are desperately developing medicine to combat the virus.. For a long time, it was thought to be under control, the virus has accelerated its evolution and the death rate has soared immensely. The anxiety has caused contradictions and conflicts from all sides. After experiencing life and death, love and hate, hope and despair, people have different understandings for the meaning of life.

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团队名单 Production team list

Team Photo

贺世平 Ho Shih Phin(舞台戏剧兼影视导演)
导演 Director

从⻢来西亚艺术学院戏剧系毕业至今,30 年来不间歇地创作,戏剧作品无数,多次获提名戏 炬奖,并荣获四届最佳导演及三届最佳编剧。现任新纪元学院戏剧与影像系高级讲师;偶⻔剧 团艺术总监;ASLI 戏剧联盟主席。他早年与友人创办【⻢来西亚剧场教学委员会】致力于带 动全国中学生戏剧活动,北上南下举办戏剧生活营,栽培出不少剧场台前幕后精英,对国内剧 场发展有一定的影响力。早年从事影视工作,拍摄多种不同类型电视节目包括:音乐节目、儿 童节目、电视杂志节目、经商节目、选秀节目、也担任过电视剧、电影的编导演等。


  • 【日本 Asia meets asia 98'】
  • 【亚洲戏剧教育研究国际论坛】
  • 【澳⻔亚洲⻘年戏剧汇演】
  • 【日本冲绳国际儿童⻘少年戏剧节】
  • 【中国-东盟南宁戏剧周】


  • 2001 第三届⻢来西亚表演艺术薪传奖【杰出⻘年薪传奖】
  • 2004 戏炬奖【卓越成就奖】
  • 2006 第五届戏炬奖最佳导演、最佳原创剧本 《黑白无常。⻤话连篇》
  • 2009 第八届戏炬奖最佳导演《108 国产英雄传》
  • 2015 第十二届最佳原创剧本《我爸是李小⻰》
  • 2019 第十六届最佳原创剧本《破!案》

Skilled in theatre and film.

Over the past 30 years, he has been creating numerous works.

He has been nominated for multiple ADA Drama Award, winning Best Director four times and Best Original Script three times.

He is currently a senior lecturer of the Department of Drama and Visuals in New Era University College; the artistic director of the O Puppet Theatre; and also the chairman of the Drama Art Community Association Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (ASLI).

He is committed to promoting the drama activities for secondary school students across the country, actively holding drama camps and cultivating many elites.

He is a certain influence on the development of domestic theatres.

In early years, he engaged himself in film and television work, shooting many different types of TV shows, including music programs, children's programs, TV magazine programs, business program and talent shows. He also ventured into writing and directing for film and TV.


  • Asia meets Asia 98’ in Japan
  • ATEC International Forum
  • Macau Asia Youth Theatre Festival
  • Okinawa International Theatre Festival for Children and Teenager
  • China-Asean Theatre Week, Nanning
  • Let’s be together Arts Festival


  • 2004: ADA Award "Outstanding Achievement Award"
  • 2006: 5th ADA Award Best Director, Best Original Script <The Black & White Executor>
  • 2009: 8th ADA Award Best Director <108 eroes Wanted>
  • 2015: 12th ADA Award Best Original Script <My Dragon Papa>
  • 2019: 16th ADA Award Best Original Script <Goodbye, Mr Detective>




蔡竞贤 Stephen Chua (影视摄影师)
摄影指导 Director of Photography


  • 毕业于马来西亚艺术学院戏剧系。
  • 他是一名活跃于幕后的艺术家,自1997年毕业以来一直从事艺术行业。
  • 他曾在Double-Vision和MediaCorp等多家本地和国际影视制作公司担任摄影工作,之后便到中国继续往摄影指导(DOP)领域发展,参与拍摄多部影视作品。目前他在国内持续摄影工作,也乐于分享他在国外工作期间获得的丰富知识和成果,为培养下一代而付出。

摄影/摄影指导作品 Cameraman/DOP:

  • 中国电视作品 China TV series
    • 《玲珑》<The Blessed Girl>
    • 《大北京小保安》<Our life is full of sunshine>
    • 《太古神王》<God of Lost Fantasy>
  • 电影作品 Movies
    • 《守夜》<Seventh>
    • 《小电影》<The Dream Boyz>
    • 《Banglasia》
    • 《吉屋》<Buyer Beware>

Stephen Chua graduated from the Drama Department of Malaysian Institute of Art. He is a behind-the-scenes artist who has been involved in the art industry since 1997. He worked as a cinematographer under several local and international film production companies such as Double-Vision and Mediacorp before travelling to China to gain more credits under his belt as a Director of Photography (DOP). With the vast experience gained, he is now determined to return home with the aim of scouting for opportunities and sharing the knowledge gained during his work abroad with great productions.


陈俊嘉 Tan Chung Cea(影像工作者)
影像指导 Video Instructor


曾设计影像于贺世平导演「电影剧场」三部曲《108 国产英雄传》《他妈来自江湖》《我爸是李小龍》/李毅翰导演「纪录剧场」《歧视》/爱美丽亚导演《窗边的小麻雀》/杨国忠导演 《尘光》等

Cea graduated from New Era College, Kajang. His portfolio includes designing video content for the cinema theatre trilogy of <108 Heroes Wanted>, The Godmother and My Dragon Papa, directed by Ho Shih Phin as well as the award-wining documentary theatre production, QI SHI, directed by Anthony Lee.

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梁迪生 Dexter Liong(业余化妆工作者)
化妆师 Makeup Artist

毕业于达尔尚艺术学院主修插画系和 Sense&Style Beauty Academy 主修专业化妆。目前为全职 演员,剧场工作者,从中学到现在拥有将近 20 年的表演经验。曾到香港、澳門担任表演嘉 宾,也参与泰国偶艺术交流会。近年来也活跃于戏剧教育的领域,多次参与全国中学生戏剧生活营及各校内训营。个人擅⻑于舞台表演,舞台化妆。偶尔也会参与影视演员及学生毕制 作品。

Graduated from Dasein Academy of Art (Major in Illustration) and Sense & Style Beauty Academy (Diploma in Professional Make-up). He currently works as a full-time actor, drama educator and theatre worker. He is also a professional in stage make-up and graphic design. He was invited to Hong Kong and Macau primary and secondary schools as their guest performer. In 2014, he has his first contact with puppet plays and has been invited to the Thailand Harmony World Puppet Festival for puppet performance. He is also active in the drama education field as a trainer in secondary school drama camps.


崔成安 Shing On Tsui(香港著名漫插画家)
海报插画 Poster Illustration

香港著名漫插画家曾服务的机构包括:香港明报、玉皇朝、嘉禾电影、新艺术电影、无线 电视、丽的电视、佳艺电视、香港电台等。1997 年移⺠加拿大,在加国教育局及私人授画, 亦参与电视及话剧等美术工作。崔老师的作品以不同形式出现,他为各类小说画封面和插画, 也画漫画。著名漫画作品有《天⻰小子》和《威⻰猛探》。80至90 年代,他绘画的电影海报 有《僵尸先生》、《⻜⻰猛将》和《乱世儿女》等,不少电影场景及人物造型设计、电视台布 景设计,都是他的手笔, 有「武侠插画大师」的称号。

Well-known Illustration Artist

Previously served agencies include: Hong Kong MingPao News, Sparkle Roll Company, Orange Sky Golden Harvest Film Company, Modern art film, TVB Broadcasting Company, Asia Television Media Company, RTHK and more. Migrated to Canada in 1997, teaches art privately and in Canada’s School Board Department, and also participates in drama performances and television programmes that are related to art.

Mr Tsui presents his work in a unique way. Mr Tsui creates cover pages and illustration artwork for a variety of novels while also illustrating his own comic book. His famous work includes 《天⻰小子》and . Movie posters that were illustrated by Mr Tsui in the 80’s and 90’s include <Mr Vampire>、<Dragons Forever> 、<A Debt of Blood> and more. Mr Tsui had also illustrated many movie scenes, character model designs, television set designs, and more. Mr Tsui was then known as the “Master of Martial Arts Illustrations”.

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陈宏亮 Chin Hong Liang(影像/剧场工作者,YouTuber)
摄影和剪辑 Cameraman and Editor


影视及舞台导演、演员、婚礼摄影师、主持人、跆拳道国家代表选手、《疯狂大玩家》 YOUTUBE 频道的创办人。


  • 企业广告《RAHIMOM》
  • 短片《BOTAK》 、《她不傻,她是我朋友》、《漂流》

摄影、 剪接:

  • 短片:《随机飞腾》、《马屁精》、《死亡回流杀人事件》、《虚妄之徒》、《漂流》

线上戏剧 :

  • 《囚爱》

武术指导 :

  • 《你的美好回忆》

得奖作品 :

  • 《BOTAK》、孝道短片比赛【网络人气奖】及【优秀奖】
  • 《漂流》 环保短片比赛【优秀奖】
  • 《我来把麦》 主持人比赛【最佳 YOUTUBE 主持奖】

Graduated from New Era University College

Theatre and film director, actor, wedding photographer, emcee and national player of Taekwondo.

Founder of Youtube channel <Crazy Play>


  • <RAHIMOM>, <BOTAK>, <She's not stupid, she's my friend>, <Drifting>


  • <The Memories>, <Boot Licker>, <Death Return>, <All the Way to One>, <Drifting>

Martial Arts Instructor:

  • <Your Good Memories>

Awards Winning:

  • <Botak>, <Drifting>, [The Best Youtuber] of the emcee competition

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傅懋恩医生 Dr.Poh Mau Ern
医疗顾问 Medical Consultant

Dr Nur Amalina binti Ismail
医疗顾问 Medical Consultant

骆宇恒 Lok Yee Hang
英文剧本翻译员 Script Translator

苏忠诚 Soo Zong Chen
英文剧本翻译员 Script Translator

吴智轩 Eng Zhi Xuan
摄影助理 Assistant Camera

陈思彤 Tan See Tong
摄影助理 Assistant Camera

陈奕汇 Chin Yi Hui
化妆助理 Assistance Makeup Artist

林思莉 Lim Si Li
灯光 Lighting Technician

甯声杭 Coson Thing
收音 Boom Operator

陈炜铭 Mark Tan Wei Meng
收音助理 Boom Assistant

杨炜兴 Yeo Wei Xing
灯光助理 Lighting Assistant

尤筱蕙 Esther Yew Xiao Hui

郭碧容 Koek Peik Yong
宣传文案 Content Writer
布景与影像设计 Set and Visual Design
演员 Actor

王子航 Heng Zhi Hang
造型设计 Costume Designer
演员 Actor

罗伊雯 Evon Loh
行销宣传 Marketing and Publicity
平面设计 Graphic designer
布景与影像执行 Set and Visual Builder
演员 Actor

吴佩怡 Cheryl Ng Pui Yie
文案翻译 Translator
音乐音效 Music and Sound
造型执行 Wardrobe Mistress
演员 Actor

张凌晗 Chong Khai Lee

More from 新纪元大学学院戏剧与影像系第十七届排演三 The 17th Batch of the Theatre Production lll of New Era University College Drama and Visuals Departments

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