Jiwa Pendidik & Fafa: Perjuangan yang Tak Didendang
RM0.00, RM10.00
All Fees Included
RM0.00, RM10.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 2 hours
Sep 2022
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue

Festival Pass
This pass allows you to join all the programmes in FreedomFilmFest 2022 and a complimentary festival t-shirt.
Jiwa Pendidik (2022)
How does a veteran teacher help prepare the first batch of pandemic online-learning students to sit for the SPM exams (Malaysian Certificate of Education) in the under resourced Perimbun Secondary School? Teacher Rusmiyana and other veteran teachers find strength to learn and teach virtually, and passionately overcome obstacles. This a film about hope and determination in an aging institution sidelined within Malaysian society.
Runtime: 20 mins
Country: Malaysia
Film Language: Malay
Subtitle Language: English
Rahmah Pauzi
Rahmah Pauzi is a video journalist and documentary maker with an MA in News and Documentary from the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, New York University. She has done works for outlets such as PBS, Al Jazeera, Channel News Asia, and BFM Radio. Most of her works revolve around the themes of home, self-exile, crossroads, and the intersection of the factual and the fictional.
Fafa: Perjuangan Yang Tak Didendang (2022)
Delusi bukanlah satu-satunya cabaran bagi Fafa, seorang OKU mental di Malaysia. Dokumentari Fafa membawakan suara seorang penghidap skizofrenia yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan pandangan dan diskriminasi masyarakat sekeliling. Bermula dari berdelusi sejak dari kecil sehinggalah didiagnosis, kehidupan Fafa bukan hanya sulit dengan adanya suara ghaib didalam kepala beliau tetapi beliau juga terpaksa berhadapan dengan suara-suara orang sekeliling yang sentiasa tersalah anggap akan kondisi beliau. Disebabkan kesedaran Fafa dengan keadaan ini, Fafa cuba untuk bersuara dengan lebih kuat demi menyedarkan masyarakat akan keadaan sebenar OKU mental di negara kita.
This film tells a story about Fafa, a schizophrenic who faces discrimination from her surrounding community. Since an early age, she not only had to struggle with the strange voices inside her head, but also had to deal with the voices of people around her who often do not understand her condition. This consciousness has made Fafa voice out more strongly to raise awareness about mental disability in our country.
Runtime: 20 mins
Country: Malaysia
Film Language: Malay
Subtitle Language: English
Amirul Ramthan
Amirul Ramthan is a self-taught digital artist, illustrator and animator from Kelantan. He has 10 years of experience in the industry and his latest animation work is featured in the documentary “Tanah Tumpah Darah Kita”. Amirul stands for art as a medium of expression to show and speak about important topics. His work, influenced by vintage art forms, has created awareness especially among the youth, confronting them with social injustice.
This event is part of FreedomFilmFest 2022, which is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.
For more information, head over to our website freedomfilm.my