TiTi Jazz and Music - Improviso Thursday (Zoey Hui with Trio)
RM100.00, RM324.80
All Fees Included
RM100.00, RM324.80
All Fees Included
Duration: 2 Hours
Improviso Thursday is curated by Tay Cher Siang.
Jun 2022
9:15PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
Package (A): RM100 nett per pax
- include 1 beverage of your choice (red wine, white wine, beer or soda refresher)
Package (B): RM324.80 nett per pax
- include special 4 course chef dinner
- include 1 snack platter (serve during Jazz Show)
- add on RM40 per pax for wine pairing (1 glass of red wine and 1 glass white wine)
Zoey Hui
“ Pop Princess with Big Diva Voice and Star Aura ”
Another music prodigy since small, Zoey Hui started signing since 9-year-old and is a regular contestant in many singing competitions, winning many trophies too. Zoey's most recent achievement was "The Voice" 2017 where she entered into the top 16 finalists.
Zoey has a powerhouse projection, able to wow the audience with her raspy and sensual voice. Coupled with her height, sexy and wild image, she is a star waiting to shine. On stage, she is natural and oozes star aura. Apart from her
blossoming solo career, she is also the Leader of girl trio “Triple S”, a young Supremes/Bananarama for the musical family.
Zoey is poised to release her debut solo album, entitled "Starlight: A Tribute to Super Divas" in 2022, and we expect the album will propel her to instant stardom.
TiTi Fusion
Lot 19, Jalan Radin Bagus 9, Bandar Baru Seri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
TiTi Fusion
Instagram or Facebook
titifusion or titijazzandmusic
Operation Hour
Monday - Friday (6pm - 10:30pm)
Saturday & Sunday (11am - 10:30pm)
street parking, open car park besides McDonald's (payment by TouchNGo) or open car park inside The Store (payment by Cash)
03 - 9055 3833
018 - 202 3973