
The Room 記忘錄

Pitapat Theatre






Duration: 70 minutes

This show has ended.



All Fees Included





初步鑑定他年齡約 50 多歲。被發現時他身邊放著一本陳舊的筆記本,

卜卜劇場首次線上演出,將其作品《下人》解構重塑, 一場生還者與犧牲者間的對話與相惜,為時下遍布各地的民主鬥爭譜寫革命詩歌。

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” - Milan Kundera

Two rooms, two persons.
Not remembering when it started, and when it ended;
Not remembering the entering, or the departing;
Not remembering why not remembering.

Although her mind has forgotten, her body remembers,
Remembering a bird that has flown in the sky, as if sent to take her away.

He actually remembers all this time, but hoping that she would forget,
messy clothes are like a light that dims her memory, a vague and fragmented beautiful fantasy.

When the small house was found, he had been dead for several days, the cause of death yet to be verified. He was about 50 years old, from preliminary findings. He was found with an aged notebook next to him. It had two kinds of handwriting and many poems, drawings and stories. One is neat and elegant, the other is messy and raw.

Pitapat Theater presents its first online performance, deconstructing and reconstructing its work "Kakak". It is a dialogue and mutual appreciation between the survivors and the victims, penning a revolutionary poem for today’s democratic struggles.




May 2021

8:00PM (GMT+8)



May 2021

8:00PM (GMT+8)



May 2021

8:00PM (GMT+8)







初步鑑定他年齡約 50 多歲。被發現時他身邊放著一本陳舊的筆記本,

卜卜劇場首次線上演出,將其作品《下人》解構重塑, 一場生還者與犧牲者間的對話與相惜,為時下遍布各地的民主鬥爭譜寫革命詩歌。


The struggle between man and authority, is the struggle between memory and forgetting.” - Milan Kundera

Two rooms, two persons.
Not remembering when it started, and when it ended;
Not remembering the entering, or the departing;
Not remembering why not remembering.

Although her mind has forgotten, her body remembers,
Remembering a bird that has flown in the sky, as if sent to take her away.

He actually remembers all this time, but hoping that she would forget,
messy clothes are like a light that dims her memory, a vague and fragmented beautiful fantasy.

When the small house was found, he had been dead for several days, the cause of death yet to be verified.

He was about 50 years old, from preliminary findings. He was found with an aged notebook next to him. It had two kinds of handwriting and many poems, drawings and stories.
One is neat and elegant, the other is messy and raw.

Pitapat Theater presents its first online performance, deconstructing and reconstructing its work "Kakak". It is a dialogue and mutual appreciation between the survivors and the victims, penning a revolutionary poem for today’s democratic struggles.

Purchase Ticket Now

剧团简介 Company Introduction

PITaPAT Theatre logo

卜卜剧场成立于 2012 年。剧团的成立主旨除了推广戏剧艺术、推动原创艺术文化之外, 也通过戏剧创作发掘马来西亚多元文化、多元语境之下独有的戏剧形式,并启发人们—— 特别是年轻社群的创造力与独立思考能力,以籍此提高人文素质与文化醒觉。我们通过各 种形式的戏剧演出来表达我们对世界的看法,并唤醒人们对社会问题的关怀与重视。此外, 我们也主办各种戏剧训练班与工作坊,以便提供一个平台,让更多戏剧爱好者可以更了解 以及参与戏剧艺术活动。

PITaPAT Theatre was formed in 2012 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Our aim is to undertake relevant, accessible and contemporary theatrical projects which explore the multicultural Malaysian community to increase consciousness of the social issues. Our main objective is to increase the participation of people from our multi-ethnic Malaysia in all aspects of professional theatrical training and intensive drama workshops.


團隊簡歷 Production Team Profiles

程守明 Seng Soo Ming
導演&演員 / Director & Performer

Seng Soo Ming

馬來西亞劇場演員、導演。2008 年畢業於新加坡「劇場訓練與研究課程(TTRP)」(現已改 名為 Intercultural Theatre Institute / ITI),目前從事戲劇教學以及劇場表導演工作。曾與國 內外不同的劇團合作,包括吉隆坡表演藝術中心(KLPAC)、新加坡戲劇盒與實踐劇場、臺 灣表演工作坊等。2008 年畢業後,即與寶島結緣,得到賴聲川老師的賞識,赴臺灣參與 《寶島一村》演出。2012 年創辦卜卜劇場(PITaPAT Theatre)。近年編導作品有:《门外 汉》、《死都不给》、《見紅》、《人民公敌·现在进行式》、《下人》(兼演员),以及影 像作品《沒有時間給你詩:間離》(兼演員)。憑作品《人民公敌·现在进行式》與《下人》 分別于 2017、18 年获得马来西亚第 14 届戏炬奖最佳导演及最佳男主角獎。

Soo Ming is a Malaysian theatre actor, director and theatre educator who graduated from Intercultural Theatre Institute (Singapore). He is the founder and artistic director of Pitapat Theatre, which founded in 2012. Soo Ming has been collaborating with international theatre artists from different countries, including renown Taiwanese director’s, Stan Lai’s <Village>, which toured in various countries for more than 250 shows. Recent works: <Wanted!>, <Die Die Tak Bayar>, <Merah>, <An Enemy of the People. At the Moment>, <Kakak> and <No Time for Poetry: Quarantimed> Soo Ming has won Best Director in 2017 ADA drama awards and Best Actor awards in 2018 ADA drama awards.

侯桂芝 Hau Guei Sze
演員 Performer

侯桂芝 Hau Guei Sze

侯桂芝来自馬來西亞沙巴,2018 年毕业于新加坡跨文化戏剧学院 Intercultural Theatre Institute(ITI)。2013 年加入卜卜劇場受训及演出,成為长期合作的表演者。2016 年參與 《人民公敌·现在进行式》於马来西亚吉隆波 DPAC 巡演。其參演作品《下人》分別於 2017 年受邀到台北大稻程国际艺术节(TTTIFA)及 2019 年受邀到印度 Kerala (ITFOK)国 际艺术节演出。2018 年憑藉《下人》的表现荣获马来西亚第 15 届戏炬奖最佳女主角。

在毕业演出中与知名导演合作, 分别有澳洲的 Arnee Nemee 演出《Extremities》、印度 Noushad Mohamed Kunju 演出《The cyclist》、印度 Sankar Venkateswaran 演出《When We Dead Awaken》。其中 2019 年,Sankar Venkateswaran 导演易卜生之作《When We Dead Awaken》受邀到印度新德里国际艺术节演出。她曾任职于新加坡青少儿广播戏剧组担任 助教、2019 年受邀到上海上剧场担任“醒”戏剧工作坊的助教。现在专注于教学,创作, 与演出。

Zizi is an actress from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia. She graduated from Intercultural Theatre Institute(ITI), Singapore 2018. Zizi trained and performed under Pitapat Theatre based in Sabah since 2013. Zizi has worked extensively with Pitapat Theatre, appearing under various productions. In 2018, Zizi’s performance in Kakak won her an award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the 15th Asli Drama Awards. Zizi has worked with acclaimed directors in her graduation productions. She also created her own solo performance - You Dogs. Zizi hopes to collaborate with those of different backgrounds and art form to explore how differences can find harmony through art.

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曾莉婷 Phoebe Tsen
音樂設計 Music Design

曾莉婷 Phoebe Tsen

馬來西亞沙巴音樂製作人、詞曲唱作人,積極與國內外藝術家進行創作交流與演出,密切 合作對象包含卜卜劇場、Borneon music duo 及 Avery Fos。目前亦是马来西亚艺术经济发 展机构(CENDANA)藝術家在校園計劃的合作藝術家之一。

Phoebe Tsen is a singer-songwriter and music producer from Sabah, Malaysia. When not working with clients and collaborators from around the globe, she works closely with Malaysian Theatre Company Pitapat Theatre as well as being one half of Borneon music duo, Avery Fos. Phoebe is also currently a partner under CENDANA Malaysia’s Artist In School Programme.

邱蕴能 Niko Hugh
攝影&剪輯 Videographer & Editor

邱蕴能 Niko Hugh

2015 年毕业于新纪元大学学院戏剧与影像系,积极参与国内外剧场演出与影像制作至今。 影像部分的涉猎范围包括电影制作、纪录片、短片、网络视频等。精专于剪辑、调色、编 导、摄影。创作热情始于对人性的好奇与探问。

Graduated from New Era University College with Diploma in Drama & Visual (2015). Currently a freelance theatre performer and filmmaker who worked in plenty of local and international productions. Prior experiences in movie productions, documentaries, short films, social-media videos, etc. Specialize in editing, shooting, directing, script writing, and film color correction. Curiosity about humanity embarks the passion in creation.

黃永益 John Wong
宣傳 Publicity

黃永益 John Wong

畢業於台灣高雄樹德科技大學「藝術管理與藝術經紀」藝術學士學位。旅居台灣期間加入 明華園戲劇團(總團)擔任全職劇團行政(演出製作組)。2017 年回馬後,加入 The Play Haus Theatre 擔任全職劇場經理、2017 至 2019 年參與『缺/失的對話』A Dialogue of Lack/Lost 交流與創作計劃、2018 年遊吟者劇團《開心死了》擔任執行製作。2020 年開始 轉為自由接案,主要從事劇場演出製作、企劃與行銷工作,服務對象包含空坊、馬來西亞 巴赫節、紅姐姐工作室兒童劇團、平台計劃劇團及新山暗房劇團等。

John graduated from Shu-Te University (Taiwan) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Management and Agent. He has served as the Arts Administrator at Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group in Taiwan. He was part of the collaboration project “A Dialogue of Lack/Lost” upon returning to Malaysia in 2017, and served as the Executive Producer for “What A Fuxxing Happiest Life” by The Troubadour Theatre Company (2018). He was the Theatre Supervisor at The Play Haus Theatre from 2018-2019, and currently working as a freelancer as Theatre Project Manager and Performer, closely collaborate with Kosong Space, Bachfest Malaysia, Hongjiejie Work Station, Pentas Project Theatre Production and Black Room Theatre Company.


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