小兔奇遇记 The Adventure of Bunny
RM40.00, RM45.00, RM200.00, RM225.00
RM40.00, RM45.00, RM200.00, RM225.00
Duration: 60 minutes
Aug 2023
5:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
Aug 2023
5:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
There was a rabbit who just had a fight with his family, and he was very angry. He went to sleep by himself. In the dream, it started a very strange journey. An unknown plane broke into its dream and took the rabbit away. A group of humans invited rabbits to dance the Hawaiian hula dance, and the rabbits danced happily under the enthusiastic Hawaiian music. However, because too many tourists visit the beaches of Hawaii, there is garbage everywhere. Suddenly, a shark came, it grew very large and menacing. As a result, the shark accidentally ate the plastic bag that fell into the sea. The shark died suddenly. So the rabbit automatically cleaned up the garbage on the beach, and the rabbit continued its journey.
Good News Art Space
Good News Art Space, founded in 2011, continues to release original works and also actively introduces the works of contemporary playwrights. The first work, "Blind Love," is a stage play in which actors and images interact. Original works such as "A Stranger" and historical drama "No Cover Up", which reflect the mental state of Malaysian citizens while caring about local history and raising people's awareness, were shortlisted for the ASLI Award and the BOH Cameronian Award.
Good News Art Space also launched the creative children's drama "The Taste of Red Apple" and the object puppet theatre "Bunny Adventures." "The Taste of Red Apples" has performed at the Nanning ASEAN Drama Festival and toured China, and "Bunny Adventures" has toured more than 20 cities and 206 performances.
李奕翰 Antony Lee
現任好事發生工作室導演、演員、編劇、策展人、制作經理,吉隆坡NOW Theatre場地管理人員。畢業於國立台北藝術大學,曾任上海瑞艾教育特聘戲劇教育藝術教學總監。
導演作品包括台灣果陀劇場《回家》《淡水小鎮》《米蒂亞》,好事發生工作室《失藝》《小兔奇遇記》《Wake Up,Please》《越洋控訴》《歧視》《羅生門》《紅蘋果之味》等。作品曾到台灣、新加坡、德國柏林、日本福岡、中國福州、泉州、廣州、西安、珠海、南昌、成都、德陽、南寧、上海、烏鎮演出。2022年嘗試策劃爲期1個月的《燎:單人表演藝術節2022》,全馬演出場次高達31場。執導紀錄劇場《歧視》榮獲中國三星堆戲劇節最佳戲劇大獎,憑《Murdered 草案》榮獲 BMW SHORTIES 短片影展2012 THE BEST ACTOR,憑《理查三世》榮獲戲炬獎最佳男配角。
Contact with Us
Kenji Chia: 017-4237536
Jay: 017-4381851
Angie: 014-9497323
Box: 016-7347701
Instagram: @ximplyarts
Email: ximplyartsfestival@gmail.com