



Date12 - 14 November 2021

Time3pm, 9pm

LanguageBahasa Malaysia


Duration: 50 - 60 minutes

This show has ended.



Buka Pintu: Sebuah Teater Verbatim

Without respect, nobody will open their door.

Farah, Solihin, and a 12-year-old child named Puteri live in the same flat. While their ages differ, their story is the same.

Farah, a woman with a sudden wave of enthusiasm after watching a video online, finally gets to interview Solihin. Experiences are meant to be shared, but Solihin was shy and unsure. Love, pain, courts, counsellors, and Kuala Lumpur - not something he wishes to relive.

Puteri, on the other hand, a young child who loves to play with the doll gifted to her by uncle. Until uncle enters her room to "play" along...

Uncle made her promise, and he told Puteri that breaking the promise would lead her to hell. Will Puteri be able to tell us her story?




Nov 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)



Nov 2021

3:00PM (GMT+8)

9:00PM (GMT+8)



Nov 2021

3:00PM (GMT+8)

9:00PM (GMT+8)


Promo: Buy 5 FREE 1 ticket (6-11 Nov 2021)


  1. Casts - Intan Suraya, Adli, Aznie Azmi 
  2. Playwright - Aliff Awan 
  3. Artistic Director - Syafiq Syazim, Adeeq Amalyna 
  4. Production Manager - Anis Irdina 
  5. Assistant Production Manager - Intan Suraya
  6. Stage & Stream Managers - Hazmi Faiz
  7. Assistant Stage & Stream Manager - Dya Zaed 
  8. Graphic Designer & Marketing - Asterik Anak Seni 
  9. Music Director - Amirul Nizam 
  10. Scenographer - Alif Azeman, Aliah Balqis
  11. Video Editor - Nik Aqil 
  12. MCP - Pixelah 
  13. Transcriber - Alka Kaur


Aliff Awan (Playwright) 

Buka Pintu (Open Door) is really trying to open doors. It is hard to believe, but it happens, and we need to understand that it really does. Apart from this work reaching those in power, I hope that it also reaches the unaware; unawaee that they have experienced, are experiencing, and will experience this.

 Adeeq AmalynaA (Director)

This project is one of our processes in finding a new identity to learn more about theater. It is also gives us the courage to step into a new zone and try to open the eyes of the community about the breadth of the field of theatre knowledge that we have not yet fully unraveled. At the same time this project gives us the opportunity to research more deeply about the missed lives out there.

Syafiq Syazim (Director)

As an artist, there must be a relationshio between the artist and society. With this in mind, this project aims to open the eyes of the people to revisit and discuss whether this issue needs to be resolved, or be left to fester till it becomes a cancer. Quoting German artist Bertolt Brecht, "Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it"

Anis Irdina (Production Manager)

Child marriage robs children of their childhood and can result in serious long-term consequences on their live and health. Currently, Malaysia has not yet provided adequate amount of protection for these children to avoid or prevent themselves from being thrusted into the life of being a child bride. As a party to the Convention on the Rights of Children (CRC), Malaysia shall undertake the responsibility in protecting these children from being exploited and being made as victims towards the traditions of underage marriage. They should be able to curb the issue at hand and slowly move towards a more progressive state whereby the issue of child marriage shall no longer be an issue to be distressed over and they should stand on a fixed ground on this matter. In our attempt to tackle this issue, we hope we could shed some lights to the public and open their eyes to understand more on the consequences of the practice of child marriage in Malaysia by emphasising the thoughts of children generally, NGOs and respondent who was once married while they were still a minor. We hope this performance and documentary will reach the public and create more awareness on the consequences of instilling and encouraging the ancient tradition of child marriages. 

Intan Suraya (Assistant Production Manager, Actor)

In my opinion, this project opens the eyes of every human being on earth. Child marriage needs to stop so thst no child suffers or feels emotional stress. Children should spend their time being children - playing, having fun, and exploring the wide, wide world.


Adli Shinichi (Actor)

It is hoped that this project succeeds in achieving the goal of discussing and analyzing the appropriate minimum age for marriage to be performed in Malaysia.

Hazmi Faiz (Stage Manager)

What I love about this project is, we don't choose sides. But at the same time we want to encourage people to have a moment and think before they did something that will change their life or make them regret in the future. Because when you have regrets, you will start to hate yourself and everyone around you.

Aliah Balqis (Scenography Department)

Buka Pintu focuses on providing awareness about sexual crimes against minors to the community 

Alif Azeman (Scenography Department)

to expose about the child marriage to society and aware about this issue that we usually not taken seriously.

Alka Sharma (Transcriber)

I believe that this project is absolutely necessary to shine the light on child marriage in Malaysia, and thus, inspire people to stand up against child marriage and stop being enablers who are unaware of how their actions impact the lives of children..

Rehearsal Pictures

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