
Launch of ‘Arkib Filem Rakyat’ & Freedom Talk: The Right to Tell Your Own History With Archive Material

FreedomFilmFest 2024





This show has ended.



Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Note: This Freedom Talk is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands




Sep 2022

6:00PM (GMT+8)


Launch of Arkib Filem Rakyat: Malaysia’s Social Movement Film Archive

The Arkib Filem Rakyat has accumulated 29 years of raw footage and films documenting the nation’s social movement. This collection provides an alternative perspective of the peoples’ history, identity and nation building efforts. It is the only film footage archive on human rights in Malaysia and is an ongoing effort to preserve and document historical audiovisual materials sourced nationwide. Join us for the launch of our very own Peoples’ history archive

Freedom Talk: The Right to Tell Your Own History With Archive Material

Who owns the history and how to tell your own story? This becomes a relevant question because the archive film footage mostly belongs to the people who were in power at the time the footage was made, for instance the British and Dutch colonial empire before colonies became independent states. The archive footage represents their colonial values. Pieter van Huijstee will tell more how to produce/create a documentary with only archive material; how to de-construct the colonial perspective and to tell your own history with it. By showing examples of They Call Me Babu (Indonesian perspective) and his new project Moeder Suriname he will tell more about his working method.

Pieter van Huystee

Pieter van Huystee (born in 1956) started as a photographer for illustrated magazines. After working at a public broadcasting company he became creative director of IDTV. In this period he mainly did entertainment programmes, and produced Johan van der Keuken’s documentary, ‘Brass Unbound’.

Pieter van Huystee Film is now one of the leading Dutch independent production companies, highly esteemed for the quality and wide range of its projects. Many van Huystee documentaries and features are screened at festivals all over the world and have been awarded many times. We have co-produced with broadcasters in China , South Africa, US, Congo, Norway, Belgium, Spain, BBC, Arte France, ZDF Arte, WDR and many others.

This event is part of FreedomFilmFest 2022, which is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.

For more information, head over to our website

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