

George Town Festival




LanguageEnglish, Mandarin



Duration: 58 minutes

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

Lend us your ears, your time, and most importantly, your curiosity. Step past the threshold of reality and step into the “IMAGINARIUM”.

We’re all spending more time alone in our bedroom for the past year, more than any other time in our lives. It’s a strange period of isolation and stagnation happening around the world. How do we deal with this crisis? How can we feel free in our hearts and minds when we are imprisoned in our own homes? How can the arts mend our sufferings when it is under the same constraints?

For those who’ve had their curiosities piqued, Out of the Blue Theatre invites you to discover a whole new imaginative universe within your bedroom in “IMAGINARIUM”, an audio-immersive theatrical experience. In this entertaining and cathartic audio-immersive experience, “IMAGINARIUM” acknowledges the limitations lockdowns have imposed on the theatre industry and people’s lives. So escape the confines of your space and follow us into the impossible. It is time to step out of your comfort zone and break out of the ordinary. Welcome to the “IMAGINARIUM”!







Jul 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)

English - 55 minutes



Jul 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)

Mandarin - 58 minutes



Jul 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)

English - 55 minutes



Jul 2021

9:00PM (GMT+8)

Mandarin - 58 minutes



Lend us your ears, your time, and most importantly, your curiosity. Step past the threshold of reality and step into the “IMAGINARIUM”.

We’re all spending more time alone in our bedroom for the past year, more than any other time in our lives. It’s a strange period of isolation and stagnation happening around the world. How do we deal with this crisis? How can we feel free in our hearts and minds when we are imprisoned in our own homes? How can the arts mend our sufferings when it is under the same constraints?

For those who’ve had their curiosities piqued, Out of the Blue Theatre invites you to discover a whole new imaginative universe within your bedroom in “IMAGINARIUM”, an audio-immersive theatrical experience. In this entertaining and cathartic audio-immersive experience, “IMAGINARIUM” acknowledges the limitations lockdowns have imposed on the theatre industry and people’s lives. So escape the confines of your space and follow us into the impossible. It is time to step out of your comfort zone and break out of the ordinary. Welcome to the “IMAGINARIUM”!





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About Out of the Blue Theatre Company

Out of the Blue Theatre Company logo

Out of the Blue Theatre is an international theatre company formed by three young artists from different backgrounds, Haylin Cai, Harry Dean and Tingying Dong. United by their collective curiosities and passion for fostering a sense of awareness, openness, connection and play through theatre, the young artists go through extended research and development during the making of their works and usually involve people from diverse fields along the way. They question how theatre can engage with the human condition and constantly experiment with what theatre can be in the age of globalisation and information. “IMAGINARIUM”, an audio-immersive theatrical experience, is the theatre’s debut production.

关于Out of the Blue剧团

Out of the Blue是一个国际化戏剧剧团,由Haylin Cai,Harry Dean和董三丁共同创立。三位年轻艺术家各来自不同的社会和训练背景,三个人都对世界充满好奇心,致力于用戏剧打开人们的心灵、连接彼此、激发人们的想象力、感受力。

好奇心引导着Out of the Blue剧团不断去探索、研究;我们从不同文化和社会中汲取灵感,也总是邀请自各个领域的人们来影响我们的创作过程。我们反思剧场能如何与人类境遇相互动,如何回应我们全球化、信息化的时代背景。



Audience Preparation Guidelines

Before we start, you need to prepare and check the following to best enjoy the show:

  • You’ve got half a glass of water,
  • You are in your private bedroom for the show,
  • You’ve set “do not disturb” on all your devices and informed your family and housemates that you need peace and quiet,
  • You are listening through a pair of headphones connected to your mobile phone, so that you can freely move about.
  • Please Do Not lock the screen, or the show will be paused.



  • 请在手边准备好半杯水,
  • 请您独自一人在自己的卧室里,不受任何打扰地体验本场演出,
  • 请用手机连上耳机收听本场演出,这样您可以自由地四处活动,探索空间,
  • 演出开始前会有一小段视频,但之后会一直是黑屏模式,请大家不要锁住手机,以免演出中断。

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About the Production Team and Creatives / 演职主创团队介绍

Haylin Cai 蔡佳岚
Director/Lead Writer 导演/编剧

Haylin Cai

Haylin is a theatre maker from China and the artistic director of the Out of the Blue Theatre. After graduating from the London East 15 Acting school with a Master of Arts in Directing, she frequently works in China and the UK. In 2019, she created and performed her solo show “Elsewhere” at the Camden People’s Theatre and served as the assistant director in “The Ridiculous Darkness” at the Gate Theatre. In 2020 and 2021, she performed online as a clown at the London Clown School with clowns from around the world. She treasures working with people from various backgrounds and strives to make arts that resonate across borders.

蔡佳岚是一名自由职业戏剧艺术家,来自武汉,毕业于伦敦东十五表演学院,目前居住在中国。她在2016年至2019年在伦敦学习和工作,2019年她担任了《The Ridiculous Darkness》(Gate Theatre)的助理导演,创作并演出了独角戏《Elsewhere》(Camden People’s Theatre)。在2020至2021年她一直作为一个小丑在London Clown School线上和其他国家的小丑表演。她致力于创作能跨越国境引起普遍共鸣的作品。

Harry Dean
Actor/Co-Writer 英文版《想象场》演员/联合编剧

Harry Dean

Harry Dean is a London-based actor and the co-founder of Out of the Blue Theatre, where he is the resident playwright. He graduated from the East 15 Acting School with a Bachelor of Arts in World Performance in 2020. He has previously worked as an actor and head writer under Gianluca Barbadori in his adaptation of Elias Canetti’s “Hochzeit”. In addition to multiple fringe works, Harry has performed and trained abroad with the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, the Kanze Noh School in Japan and Russian Seasons School (GITIS). Above all, Harry loves to work on projects that are cosmopolitan and playful.

Harry是一位伦敦的演员和戏剧创作者,他是Out of the Blue剧团的联合创始人,目前担任剧团编剧。他毕业于伦敦东十五戏剧表演学院世界戏剧系。他曾在Gianluca Barbadori的指导下担任演员和编剧,改编了Elias Canetti的《Hochzeit(霍希特)》。除了多项实验剧院戏剧作品外,Harry还曾在印尼艺术学院、日本Kanze Noh学校和俄罗斯戏剧艺术学院GITIS进行演出和培训。他是《想象场》的英文版演员兼联合编剧,同时也是德语及法语版的导演。他热爱参与跨越国界文化壁垒、充满玩耍的作品。


Tingying Dong 董三丁
Sound Designer 声音设计师

Tingying Dong

Ting is a sound designer, composer, sound technician, and theatre maker from China currently based in the UK. She is the co-founder of Out of the Blue Theatre. She graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Production and Technical Arts. In the same year, she was nominated for an Off West End Theatre Award in the Best Sound Design category for her work in “Jerker” at the King’s Head Theatre. She is currently sound designing a play at Theatre Royal Stratford East. Her recent sound design credits include “Bath Time” (podcast, The Painkiller Project), “A Whole New World”, “BREATHE” (Take the Stage programme, Donmar Warehouse), “Yen, The Arsonists” (Carne Studio Theatre), “Bin Juice”, “Kraken” and “The First” (VAULT Festival). Her recent composing credits include “Humane” (audio drama), “Medea/Worn” and “My Last Duchess” (short films).

三丁的剧场工作包括声音设计、作曲、音响技术。她来自北京,现居伦敦,2019年毕业于LAMDA的戏剧制作与技术专业,并于同年获得外西区戏剧奖最佳声音设计提名(Jerker,King’s Head Theatre)。她是Out of the Blue剧团的联合创始人。她目前正在为Theatre Royal Stratford East剧院的新戏做声音设计。近期的其他声音设计作品包括《Bath Time》(广播剧)、《A Whole New World》《BREATHE》(Donmar Warehouse的Take the Stage项目》、《Yen》《The Arsonists》(Carne Studio Theatre)、《Bin Juice》《Kraken》及《The First》(VAULT戏剧节)。近期作曲作品包括《Humane》(广播剧)、《Medea/Worn》及《My Last Duchess》(短电影)。

Alison Qu 曲悦鸣
Associate Producer 北美区联合制作人

Alison Qu

Originally from China, Alison is a director, dramaturg and creative producer who graduated from Emerson College with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre. She was the inaugural Cutler Creative Producing and Engagement Fellow at ArtsEmerson as well as the co-founder and executive producer of CHUANG Stage and CHUANG Lab. Alison recently completed a digital internship at Davis Shakespeare Festival and is excited to collaborate with Ping Pong Arts for Season II of Artists Connectivity Series, an open dialogue series between art and community makers of the world. In addition, Alison currently serves as the associate producer at Company One Theater of Boston in the United States.

曲悦鸣是一位创意制作人、导演及戏剧构作者,毕业于Emerson College戏剧专业。她是波士顿双语戏剧公司CHUANG Stage的联合创始人兼执行制作人,也是2019-2020年度ArtsEmerson首届Cutler创意制作奖获得者(Cutler Creative Producing and Engagement Fellow)及2020年度美国戏剧构作协会与肯尼迪中心学生构作奖获得者(美东赛区)。曲悦鸣目前作为联合制作人就职于波士顿地方剧院CompanyONE。

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Adèle Reeves
Associate Producer 联合制作人

Adèle Reeves

Adele is a producer with a background in theatre management, arts administration and box office. Originally from Scotland, she moved to London to study Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway, and following this, a Masters in Theatre & Performance Studies at King’s College London. She has worked across numerous theatres and companies, spending the formative years of her career working in the management team of the Pleasance Theatre venues in London and at the Edinburgh Fringe. Now based between Paris and London, she is inspired by intercultural performance projects that break outside the traditional theatre space.

Adèle是一个有剧院管理、艺术管理和票务经验的制作人。她来自苏格兰,在伦敦皇家霍洛威大学学习了戏剧与剧场专业。之后,她又在伦敦国王学院完成了戏剧于表演研究硕士。她曾和多家剧场和剧团合作过,并在Pleasance剧院的伦敦及爱丁堡戏剧节的剧场管理团队中度过了对自己影响深刻的几年。作为Out of the Blue剧团的创意制作人,她尤其受跨文化以及打破剧场空间的项目的启发。

Yingxue 张莹雪
Actor/Translator for Mandarin Version


Yingxue is a freelance actor, teacher, translator and theatre maker based in China. She graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.


Special thanks to 贺天丁、蒋昊哲、王炳煦、Lynette Yuan、Shel、王亦斌、Alison Yueming Qu for making the first draft of the translation.


Media Reviews / 媒体评论

“A celebration of synchronicity”


“An incredibly pleasant retreat.”

— ArtsCulture

“Revolutionary creative form”


“Ground breaking...a highly surreal experience from start to finish”

— North West End UK

“I was swept away.”

— LondonTheatre1

“Poeticise… in a way that brings me to real tears”

— A Younger Theatre

“Open up the sense outside of the obvious”

— The Reviews Hub

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