"Ignite 燎" Solo Performance Festival 2022
Language: English, Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia, Others
Subtitle: English, Mandarin
Category: Event
Tags: Festivals
Duration: 150 mins
RM48.00, RM58.00, RM68.00, RM126.00
All Fees Included
RM48.00, RM58.00, RM68.00, RM126.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 150 mins
We celebrate not only the arts, but also the diversity in the arts.
May 2022
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
May 2022
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
May 2022
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
May 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group A
Watch at Venue
Jun 2022
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
Jun 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
Jun 2022
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Group B
Watch at Venue

Festival Pass
Buy a pass to attend both groups.
We celebrate not only the arts, but also the diversity in the arts.
An informal theatre space, 8 performances of varying styles, an audience; on the move, appreciating the artists’ many expressions in a celebration of life.
8 performing artists, embarking on explorations around gender, family, intimacy, mental stress, occupation, language, religion, and more. The 8-resulting works; rich in displays and multitude in presentations. In the process, the artists self-question, self-answer, explore, create, revel in solitude and in enthusiasm for their art, igniting themselves to celebrate the arts.
8 solo performances, 8 universes. . .
Group A
Ling Tang 鄧壹齡, Loke Soh Kim 骆素琴, Milo 劉家榮, Zul Zamir
Group B
Gregory Henno (France法国), Suzanne 張愫姍, Wong Thien Pau 黄天寶, Yiky Chew 周芷伊
Production Team List
Lee Yee Han 李奕翰
Lighting Designer 燈光設計
You You 洪梓宗
Stage Manager
Alice Tay 鄭曉彤
Backstage Manager後台經理
Lennard Oung 汪佳焌
Mia 楊杏瑤
Technical Support技術支持單位
Production Background and Profile Picture
Good News Art Space 好事發生工作室
Good News Art Space, founded in 2011, continues to release original works and also actively introduces the works of contemporary playwrights. The first work, "Blind Love," is a stage play in which actors and images interact. Original works such as "A Stranger" and historical drama "No Cover Up", which reflect the mental state of Malaysian citizens while caring about local history and raising people's awareness, were shortlisted for the ASLI Award and the BOH Cameronian Award.
Good News Art Space also launched the creative children's drama "The Taste of Red Apple" and the object puppet theatre "Bunny Adventures." "The Taste of Red Apples" has performed at the Nanning ASEAN Drama Festival and toured China, and "Bunny Adventures" has toured more than 20 cities and 206 performances.
2011年成立,持續推出原創劇本作品,也積極引介當代劇作家作品。⾸部作品《盲愛》,一出演員和影像互動的華語舞臺劇。反映馬來西亞人選前⼼理狀態<《⼀個異鄉⼈》和歷史劇《越洋控訴》等原創作品,關懷本土歷史和提高人民意識,並且⼊圍戲炬獎和BOH Cameronian獎項。
Group A: 13 May 2022 -- 15 May 2022 & 27 May 2022 -- 29 May 2022
Ling Tang 鄧壹齡
Tang is a theatre director,actor,playwright,producer and curator.She graduated Central Academy of Drama (Beijing) Ecole Philippe Gaulier and Laboratory of Movement Study in the Ecole Internationale de théâtre Jacques Lecoq,France.
Tang’s works span the fields of theatre,film and television.Her directed pieces were staged in the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing,Tianjin Cultural Centre Grand Theatre and Shanghai Grand Theatre.Recently,she performed in Palaces 《十殿》,a major touring production produced by Taiwanese theatre group,Our Theatre,on commision by the Nqational Kaohsiung Center for the Arts(Weiwuying),National Theatre & Concert Hall and the National Taichung Theater.
In 2015,Tang founded Now Theatre with the sponsorship of National Department for Culture aaand Arts(JKKN).
畢業於北京中央戲劇學院導演系,法國巴黎Philippe Gaulier戲劇學校,以及賈克樂寇國際學校動作實驗所。
Loke Soh Kim 骆素琴
Soh Kim was from Penang and co-funded Penang Dance Station with Choo Tee Kuang in 1992.
In 1997,she participated in the International Artists Progamme run by the Northwest Asian American Theatre in Seattle.
In 1998, through a generous grant from the Asian Cultural Council, she was in New York on a five month residency observing and studying contemporary dance and choreography.
She was awarded in the 1st Annual BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 2002 – The Best Choreographer and The Best Lighting Design, and the 3rd Annual BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 2004 - The Best Lighting Design .
1997年,获美国-西雅图西北亚裔美国人剧场邀请参与“ 国际艺术家交流计划 ”。
此外,在本国BOH Cameronian Arts Awards 多次获奖,如于2002年荣获最佳编导及最佳灯光设计奖及2004年获得最佳灯光设计奖。
MILO 劉家榮
MILO Low Kah Weng, the founder and artistic director of TEAM Theatre. MILO is a theatre director, actor, writer, and full-time theatre educator, he has been engaged in theatrical career for more than 20 years.
Milo won the BOH Cameron Art Award for Best Leading Actor and two times ASLI Drama Awards for Best Supporting Actor and launched the first Chinese drama education book in Malaysia:
2019年,他推出了大马第一本中文戏剧教育的书 :《戏剧教育:从马来西亚剧场教学委员会、TEA剧场到TEAM聚团的25年》。
Zul Zamir
Zul was nominated for BOH Cameronian Arts Award 2017 for Best Supporting Actor through the role of Markus in Kandang. He stumbles upon theater during his university days, and has fallen in love with it ever since. He has been training and working with KL Shakespeare Players since 2016, both on-stage and off-stage. He aspires to work with people and artists from various backgrounds and disciplines as a way to enrich and share knowledge. He was last seen playing Edgar in KLSP’s online Shakespeare Demystified: KING LEAR.
Zul 凭借在 Kandang 中饰演 Markus 获得 2017 年 BOH Cameronian Arts Award 最佳男配⻆提名。⾃ 2016 年以来,他⼀直和 KL Shakespeare Players ⼀起训练 和⼯作,成为少数不多莎⼠⽐亚剧演员,也就是莎剧演员。他最后⼀次扮演莎剧李尔王中的埃德加。
Group B: 20 May 2022 -- 22 May 2022 & 3 Jun 2022 -- 5 Jun 2022
Gregory Henno (France法国)
A passionate French actor and director, Grégory is currently based in Kuala Lumpur. He received his theatre training with Niels Arestrup in Paris, and Annie Schnindler in La Rochelle. In France he was one of the key actors of Entrées de Jeu, a company specialised in Debate Theatre and performed around 500 shows a year. He started his collaboration with KLSP through Exchange Theatre, and has played the title role in Cyrano de Bergerac and Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, both productions under KLSP.
Grégory 是⼀位充满激情的法国演员和导演,⽬前定居吉隆坡,艺术节中唯⼀的本国永久居⺠。他在巴黎接受 Niels Arestrup 和拉罗谢尔的 Annie Schnindler 的戏剧培训。在法国,他是 Entrées de Jeu 主要演员,这是⼀家专⻔从事 论坛剧的公司,每年演出约 500 场。他通过 Exchange Theatre 开始与 KLSP 的合作,并在 KLSP 旗下的 Cyrano de Bergerac 和 Bottom 的仲夏夜之梦中担任 主⻆。
Suzanne 張愫姍
Graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts, has been actively involved in theatre as an actress, director, acting coach and playwright.
1974,Sabah, Scholar graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
1997. Danced professionally with the City Contemporary Dance Company(HK)
(1997-2000). Rehearsal Director and dancer with Singapore Arts Fission Company
(2000-2002).Ix found AHPY with his partner Aaron Khek Ah Hock and since has been producing, choreographing works that the duo creates together.Spring 2016, together with his partner and two other Singapore established Artists, Nirmala Seshadri (multi-discipline Artist) and Leslie Tan (Cellist) started a laboratorycalled L3 - Lalu Lalang Lab.Ix is also an accomplished self-taught tailor.
甲寅年生,沙巴人 ,1995榮獲香港表演藝術學院獎學金,畢業於1998。1998-2000任香港城市當代舞團專業舞者,2000-2002於新加坡化生藝術團擔任導演及助理編舞家,後和夥伴郭亞福共創『 Ah Hock and PengYu』當代舞團,擔任藝術總監。
2016年春天與夥伴郭亞福和倆位新加坡資深藝術家Nirmala Seshadri(多元質藝術家/行體教學)和Leslie Tan (大提琴家),四人共創了藝術家探索空間『 L3 - Lalu Lalang Lab』,探討和質問藝術創作空間的長征,L3 以茶待友開放暢談/唱彈無止盡、無階乘和無名位的藝術領域。他也是自學成才的裁縫師。
Yiky Chew 周芷伊
Yiky Chew is an actress for film, TV, commercial and theatre. Her recent acting credits include as Fabulous Chia in Kopitiam Double Shot web series (2019), as Puteri Hang Li Po in Disney’s Wizards Of Warna Walk series (2019), My Name Is Raphael short film (2019), TINAPA This Is Not A Petrol Ad award winning short film (2018), Panic Asia touring play (2018), and Kenapa Tak Tukar Nama? monologue play (2017, 2018). She holds a Diploma in Performing Arts from Sunway University and a first-year certificate from Ecole Philippe Gaulier, a theatre school based in France.
周芷伊 Yiky Chew 是一位影视、广告和戏剧演员。她的近期作品包括了《Kopitiam Double Shot》网络连续剧(2019 年)、迪士尼的《Wizards Of Warna Walk》连续剧(2019 年)、《我·拉斐尔》 短片(2019年)、《TINAPA》赢奖短片(2018年)、《恐惧》 亚洲巡演舞台剧(2018年)、以及 《Kenapa Tak Tukar Nama? 》单人舞台剧(2017,2018年)。她毕业于双威大学的表演艺术系以及拥有法国戏剧学院 Ecole Philippe Gaulier 的一年级证书。
Collaboration Artists 合作藝術家
Gavin Yap
Chua Sek Khim
Faris Nasir
Kenneth Wong 王冠庭
Lim Kien Lee 林建利
Syafiq Syazim
You You 洪梓宗
Supported by
Shiny Universe
KL Shakespeare Players