All Fees Included
All Fees Included
Duration: 90 – 120 Minutes
Jul 2020
8:30PM (GMT+8)
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Jul 2020
8:30PM (GMT+8)
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疫情期间,我们线上免费观赏了好多好多演艺作品。这些作品传递爱和力量,为留守在家中的人们带来一段又一段的幸福时光。艺术工作者为演艺倾尽自己的所有。但是这个时候,跨越不了关口,是面对群众演出。当所有演出宣布延期和取消后,他们失去了舞台。当所有演出宣布延期和取消后,他们失去了舞台。当所有演出宣布延期和取消后,他们失去了舞台,创作生命遇到极大的考验,并成了弱势团体。在他们倒下和梦想被迫放弃以前,在我们可能再也看不到许多光芒夺目,才华洋溢的作品以前。让我们疫起携手,艺起守护 -- 表演艺术。
【艺起守护】是多位马来西亚艺术工作者自愿发起的运动,我们站在一起,守护人类的想象力、创造力、善良、美丽 – 艺术!
由何灵慧导演总策划,《艺起守护 – 线上艺演》即将在7月12日及19日在吉隆坡表演艺术中心上演并播出,筹款帮助被疫情严重影响的表演艺术工作者及团体。这个演出也有另一层重要的意义,因为演出即将为受困的表演场地带来租金收入,所有参与的台前幕后表演艺术工作者也有工作及收入,在这非常困难的时刻,无疑是雪中送炭。
All sectors in Malaysia are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic but the performing arts are and will be particularly under pressure. The impact of the pandemic has laid bare the already precarious economic conditions in which most artists live.
In this time of crisis and isolation, the role of art actually becomes more central to our lives, whether we realize it or not. Of all the necessities we are now aware of, the performing art and its contribution to our well-being is evident.
Art is very important in the society because it is an essential ingredient to empowering the hearts of people. Art is here to remind us of the values that we uphold. It makes us realize the importance of pursuing our passion and expressing ourselves. At the end of the day, art makes us a better person – by making us think profoundly, by making us feel deeper, and by making us act and do something other than not doing anything at all.
The performing artists have given all they have to create arts, but in these trying times, while abiding by social distancing, shows have been cancelled or postponed, and they have lost their home – stage, they are facing a huge challenge in their creative life.
Artists are now a vulnerable group. Before they fall and are forced to give up their dreams, before we lose the chance to see many more brilliant and talented works. Let us play a part in safeguarding THE PERFORMING ARTS!
Be a pART is a voluntary campaign initiated by Malaysian artists in the industry. We hope that everyone can come together and safeguard the very essence of humanity, the one thing that foster creativity, goodness, and beauty – ART.
Under the creative direction of Ho Lin Huay, many artists in the industry will come together to put up a special and spectacular online performance at klpac on July 12 and 19 to raise fund for artists and performing art groups who are currently struggling to make ends meet. This fund-raising event will also mean income for performance venue (which has zero rental since MCO in March), production team, suppliers and artists involved.
We believe you must have enjoyed the magic and beauty of a live performance at some point in your life. Let us appeal to you to help and keep the performing arts alive by supporting and donating to this campaign. Thank you for being the GUARDIAN of ARTS!