Producer, Creative Producer, Translator
Based Location:
Klang Valley
Visual Age Range:
Height (CM):
Tan Cher Kian aka CK, made the leap from an oil and gas engineering sales specialist to become a theatre practitioner in 2018. He started his dalliances with the stage as actor and writer due to his affinity with his mother tongue (literally) Cantonese, which led him to the evolving Singaporean work of My Grandfather’s Road by Neo Kim Seng from 2017-2019 at Centre 42 & Esplanade.
CK produced two full-length plays ie IQ.ROCK (Anomalist Production) at DPAC, Stereo Genmai (Ridhwan Saidi) at Kotak@Five Arts Centre in 2018. In 2019, he produced the acclaimed new Malaysian English musical, The Working Dead at KLPAC, collaborated with Moka Mocha Ink as curating partner for Pesta Playlet (festival of playlets) at Kongsi KL and directed Ridhwan Saidi’s Watching Satan At Work as part of Teater Modular Redux. He started Siring Siring Production in 2019 and produced the 2019 BMW Shorties winner, Di Sini Aku (Here I Am) and Rumah Ndak Bertanah (House without Ground) which went on to win several awards in local and international short film festivals.
CK has been the Producer of The Instant Café Theatre Company since 2020 and also currently working on producing his first feature film on the stateless/undocumented community, Hidup Aku Curi (Life I Stole).
CK is interested in works that break down barriers yet build bridges and has a soft spot for non-official languages (dialect).
陈子健 (CK) 是一位在面临中年危机时从石油与天然气工程销售专才跨越到剧场从业人的东马沙巴汉。他以他熟悉的方言广东话以演员及编剧的身份参与了新加坡独立制作人梁金成《阿爺條路》的戏剧表演, 一共在新加坡 2017-2019 年上演了三次。2018 年回马以后, CK 陆续为 Anomalist Production 和 Ridhwan Saidi 两家制作公司分别共同制作了 IQ.ROCK RESTAGE 及 Stereo Genmai 两部马来语剧。2019年CK 为KuLT Production 制作了英语音乐剧 《The Working Dead》; 作为一部全新的作品,九场爆满的纪录得以显示观众的喜爱与口碑的证明。 同年 CK 再次与 Ridhwan Saidi 合作举办了 《短剧节 Pesta Playlet》以及在 《Teater Modular Redux》以《看恶魔操作 Melihat Setan Bekerja》一剧尝试了导演的岗位。
目前 CK 是 Instant Cafe Theatre 的制作人及Siring-Siring Production 细聆制作 的创办人。